State flag of the Republic of Belarus

The national flag of the Republic of Belarus is a symbol of the state sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus, is a rectangular panel, consisting of two horizontally arranged colored stripes: top – red, wide 2/3 and lower – green in 1/3 flag width.

Near the shaft, a Belarusian national ornament of red color is located vertically on a white field., component 1/9 flag length. The ratio of the flag's width to its length – 1:2. The flag is attached to the pole (flagsticks), which turns golden (ocher) color.

The national flag is constantly flown on government buildings and some government institutions, installed in the offices of the heads of these bodies (institutions), in schools, at polling stations, hung during various special events.

When simultaneously raising or installing the State Flag of the Republic of Belarus and the flag of another state, the State Flag of the Republic of Belarus must be raised or installed on the right side, and the flag of another state – from the left, if you face them.

Citizens can display the National Flag both inside, and outside the premises during folk, labor, family holidays and other memorable days. In this case, a mandatory condition is respect for the National Flag as a symbol of the state.. State flag of the Republic of Belarus, made in tabletop version, can be installed indoors, used by organizations and citizens of the Republic of Belarus.

More details about this, where the State flag can be placed, can be found in the chapter 2 Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 5 july 2004 r. No. 301-Z “About the state symbols of the Republic of Belarus”.

State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus

The State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus is a symbol of the state sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus. It represents the golden outline of the State Border of the Republic of Belarus placed in a silver field., superimposed on the golden rays of the sun rising over the globe. At the top of the field is a five-pointed red star.. The coat of arms is framed by a wreath of golden ears, intertwined clover flowers on the right, left – flax flowers. The wreath is intertwined three times on each side with a red-green ribbon, in the middle part of which, at the base of the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus, the words are inscribed in gold in two lines “Republic of Belarus”.

The image of the State Emblem is placed on the buildings of government bodies and a number of government institutions, inside the offices of their leaders, as well as on the seals of these bodies, on coins, passports of citizens of the Republic of Belarus. Unlike the State Flag, The state emblem has a more official meaning, therefore, there is no provision for the possibility of its free use by citizens. In particular, It is prohibited to place it on business cards of persons, non-government employees.

When placing the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus and the coat of arms of an administrative-territorial unit or territorial unit of the Republic of Belarus at the same time, the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus should be located on the left side of the other coat of arms, if you face them. When placing an odd number of coats of arms at the same time, the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus should be located in the center, and when placing an even number of coats of arms (more than two) – left of center.

More details about this, where the State Emblem can be placed, and the existing restrictions can be found in the chapter 3 Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 5 july 2004 r. No. 301-Z “About the state symbols of the Republic of Belarus”.

National anthem of the Republic of Belarus

The national anthem of the Republic of Belarus is a musical and poetic work, performed on ceremonial occasions, the list of which is fixed in legislation.

The national anthem has its own authors – The music for it was written by the Belarusian composer N.F. Sokolovsky, and the words – Belarusian poets M.N.Klimkovich and V.I.Karizna.

We, Belarusians are peaceful people,
They are loyal to their native land,
We are sincere friends, we strengthen our strength
We are in a hardworking, free family.

I read, bright name of our land,
I read, fraternal union of peoples!
Our beloved Motherland,
Live and prosper forever, Belarus!

Together with the brothers bravely for ages
We defended our native threshold,
In battles for freedom, battles for share
They won their flag of victory!

I read, bright name of our land,
I read, fraternal union of peoples!
Our beloved Motherland,
Live and prosper forever, Belarus!

Friendship of peoples - strength of peoples -
Our beloved, solar path.
Soar proudly to the clear heights,
A victorious flag is a flag of joy!

I read, bright name of our land,
I read, fraternal union of peoples!
Our beloved Motherland,
Live and prosper forever, Belarus!

The national anthem is performed at the beginning and, in some cases, at the end of important state and social events., including when the President of the Republic of Belarus takes office – after taking the oath.

Citizens can fulfill (listen) National anthem during folk, labor, family holidays and other special occasions while ensuring the necessary respect for him.

As a sign of respect for the National Anthem during its official performance, those present listen to it standing (men – no hats, military personnel, other persons, who are required to wear uniforms, – in accordance with the law).

More details about this, In what cases is the National Anthem performed and can be performed?, can be found in the chapter 4 Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 5 july 2004 r. No. 301-Z “About the state symbols of the Republic of Belarus”.