Tuberculosis and HIV – infection

10.09.2021 | Heading: Information

Tuberculosis is an infection, which most often causes death of people, living with HIV and having low immune status. HIV and TB are so closely intertwined, that they are often called epidemic within epidemic. These diseases promote mutual development and reinforce each other..

The link between HIV and tuberculosis

The causative agent of tuberculosis is Koch's bacillus (or mycobacterium tuberculosis). Mycobacterium tuberculosis is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy airborne droplet. Worth noting, that mycobacterium lives in the body in 1/3 world population. In people with a high level of immune status, tuberculosis does not manifest itself in any way throughout life.. The disease develops then, when immunity weakens. All HIV-positive people sooner or later (on average through 5-15 years after infection) immunity begins to decline.

What to do for HIV-positive people, so as not to get sick with tuberculosis?

- Regularly 2 once a year undergo an examination for tuberculosis by the method of X-ray or fluorographic examination of the chest organs. These studies can be done at the local polyclinic..
- Regularly 2 undergo a Mantoux skin test once a year. It can be done at the AIDS center.
- Undergo additional examinations as directed by a doctor (sputum analysis, which is released by coughing and / or an extraordinary X-ray examination).
- Recommendations for hygiene and nutrition must be followed, which will help you not to get sick with tuberculosis. Doctors recommend eating well, eating enough protein (meat, a fish, dairy products), and it is also necessary to regularly carry out wet cleaning and airing of premises, where do you live and work.
- All HIV-positive people should avoid situations of communication with TB patients, as well as being in a large crowd of people in a poorly ventilated room. Tuberculosis is very easily transmitted by airborne droplets., one tuberculosis patient per year can infect 10-15 human. Particularly at risk are those, whose immune status is not high.
- The first signs of tuberculosis: increased fatigue, sweating at night, decreased appetite, prolonged temperature rise, weight loss. When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently consult an infectious disease doctor of the AIDS Center in order to exclude the diagnosis of tuberculosis.!

Anti-tuberculosis prophylactic drugs:

- Given the high risk of developing tuberculosis in people with weakened immune systems, even in the absence of an overt disease, anti-TB prophylactic drugs are sometimes prescribed. Important, that these drugs need to be drunk in a course, by the appointed phthisiatrician. Прерванный курс профилактики впоследствии может привести к возникновению тяжелой лекарственно устойчивой трудноизлечимой формы туберкулеза!

Treatment of tuberculosis in HIV-positive:

- Treatment of tuberculosis is carried out in a hospital or at home. The decision is made by the phthisiatrician.
- Proven, that the effectiveness of anti-tuberculosis therapy is higher against the background of treatment of HIV infection with antiretroviral drugs.
- The cure for tuberculosis largely depends on the patient's attitude to the treatment regimen. Should not be treated with incomplete drugs, interrupt the course or terminate it prematurely. Violation of the treatment regimen leads to the emergence of drug-resistant tuberculosis.

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